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Photo Facial Laser Services
Serving Burlington and the GTA
For a dramatic improvement in your skin quality, discover
IPL Photo Facial technology at Nina L’Allure.
By selectively targeting affected areas, the Lumecca IPL system can treat skin pigmentation, vascular lesions, skin texture irregularities, and sun damage.
The combination of these procedures allows the provider to literally turn back the clock on aging, giving you the appearance that will make you feel years younger.
Years of intentional or unintentional sunlight exposure accumulate in our facial skin in the form of wrinkles, brown pigment spots, redness due to broken capillaries, and rough skin.
Thanks to a revolutionary innovation in light technology, we have a safe and non-invasive way to help restore the skin’s youthful appearance. Lumecca IPL by InMode is a safe, powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) device to treat common skin blemishes and irregularities.

Photo Facial
The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and produces stellar results.
• Improves skin texture and reduces pore size
• Removes red and brown spots and birthmarks including port wine stains
• Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and visible scars
• Triggers natural collagen production for firmer, healthier skin
• Treats rosacea and spider veins for even skin tone
• Fights acne breakouts
• Treats bruising
Treatment Expectations
To help fight back against the damaging effects of the sun’s rays there is Lumecca, InMode’s breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) facial skin rejuvenation technology that allows us at Nina L’Allure to treat a variety of skin types and conditions with just a session or two, as opposed to the 4-6 treatments you might expect with other standard IPL devices.
How Does it Work?
It is a breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions. It is optimized for clinicians to treat a variety of skin types and conditions with just a single session.
How Quickly Can I see Results?
Sun damage and skin complexion results can be seen a few days after the first session. The skin will continue to look younger and more brilliant over time with most visible results after 1-2 weeks. Having multiple photofacial sessions will improve the final result. For vascular treatments such as facial telangiectasias, results can be seen in up to 2 weeks.
Our Laser Skin Treatments are being booked and performed at our Sister Company, Laser Skin Pro.
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